How to make sure you receive useful feedback?

What do you want people to do after you told them your story? What is your call-to-action?

This is what I always ask participants during courses. Because a call-to-action is an important building block for your story.

Often, they tell me their call-to-action is: give me feedback. They would like to receive feedback from a superior, colleagues, people from other fields, or from expert practitioners, for instance.

That’s a fine call-to-action.

But what happens next is a bit odd.

In the story, they never mention the feedback in any way. And so they risk missing out on that.

How to do this differently?

Often, you can just explicitly state your call-to-action in your text or presentation.

If you want feedback, you ask for feedback. If you want money, you ask for money. If you want permission, you ask for permission.

This may sound crude and very Dutch. But it works. Why else do you think all those influencers are asking for likes?

The more specific your call-to-action, the better.

What do you want feedback on, exactly? On a specific part of your research method? On your choice of collaborators? On the possibilities to apply your new technique elsewhere? 

Spell it out.

Do you have any feedback on this email? I would be happy to hear it. 😉

