For years, I worked as a copywriter.
I researched, interviewed, brainstormed, wrote and edited.
The emphasis was always on language. On words that the target audience understands, nicely readable sentences, well-structured paragraphs.
Sometimes I worked with a graphic designer, who formatted my text.
I saw design as a whole different ballgame.
I rarely interfered with things like composition, color and choice of image.
That has changed.
In 2019, the evaluations of our training courses revealed a wish of our participants. They wanted more feedback on their visuals – the visuals they used in their daily practice.
For example, slides, data visualizations or scientific posters.
We decided to fulfill that wish. Although I did suffer from imposter syndrome in the beginning. What did I know about visuals?
But now, I find discussing visuals one of the most enjoyable parts of a training.
I even developed a 6 step plan for creating and improving slides and other visuals.
You can check it out in my new blog article.
Hopefully it helps you!
PS I also share the article in a LinkedIn post. I would appreciate it if you like it or tag someone for whom the article might be interesting!