At the end of June, I received an email from Roberto.
I’ve been receiving this kind of email for a long time now (maybe one and a half years?), and just wanted to thank you for the great tips.
These short posts are very interesting, quite useful and sometimes even funny (in the good sense). […] Keep it up!
An enthusiastic response always makes me happy.
But in Roberto’s response, there was a specific passage that caught my eye.
Maybe one and a half years…
It made me check when I sent my first tip: on October 13, 2021.
So we’re far from a year and a half. 😉
Still, I want to take a moment to think about my small anniversary: for a year now, I’ve sent these weekly tips.
I’d like to use this moment to collect inspiration for another year.
That’s why I’m asking you:
Is there a communication topic you would like to read a tip about?
You can simply email me: I’ll always get back to you.
I’m curious!